Friday, February 11, 2011

10 on 10 (except not)

I was really looking forward to was February 10th and the first time since my new camera came that I could do "10 on 10".  The idea is that you take one photo, every hour for 10 hours and I was stoked. I was ready. I was excited.  I took my first photo and then forgot.  But then I remembered and took a bunch of photos and then forgot again.  But who really cares, right? It is a start and I can still post about what I photographed.  Enjoy!
This is our barista, we just call him "Zach" and have been doing so for years--way before The Hangover was a thing.  Being the 10th it was a "Pay Day Mocha Day" in our house--going to Daily Grind on pay day keeps our spending money on mochas do a reasonable amount.  20oz Frappe, no whip!

I picked Owen up from preschool.  What did you do? Idunno.  I can't wait for the teen years.

He did show me some of the building toys he had played with earlier.  When he wasn't playing "Spiderman Family" with S & J.  I wish I could find out more about that!

Look what I made, mom!!  I don't think Simon ever did one of these, if he did, I don't have it.  Maybe I should laminate this one now that I know how fast those little hands grow.

Flowers at work! What a treat :) Our Council President brought these by--and they are really brightening my days. Hyacinth and primroses I think? I should really learn these things.  They smell so, so good.

Last one, a posed shot...testing how well my camera will shoot inside on a gloomy day with hardly any windows.  Not too bad for a point-and-shoot.  His brother squinked up one eye in photos for YEARS...Owen has just recently started to do it.  Nature? Nurture?